Friday, October 2, 2009


The heritage club will be established mainly for the restoration and preservation of the national cultural and natural heritage through different activities or the working areas. It will be established and run by the young people with the help of the group of resourceful persons.

Restoration and preservation of our heritage among the communities for personal and national sustainable development.

Having a rich national heritage and local communities with the respect of one another’s culture for the cultured generations.

To identify and restore the areas and objects of our national heritage
To promote awareness among the communities of the importance of heritage (sites and objects)
To enable people to become aware of the present-day and future threats facing our world heritage
To encourage the communities to get involved in the conservation on a local, regional and national levels
To restore and improve the peoples’ skills, potentials and their indigenous knowledge.
To promote tourism in Ntungamo District based on heritage resources

As the part of heritage, the club will be focusing on the issues concerning;
· Natural heritage, concerning natural resources, (not man-made), places, objects and intangible attributes including the countryside and natural environment, including flora and fauna and landscape like the rock shelters
· Tradition regarding the beliefs or customs and practices inherited from ancestors
· Oral tradition for example, of folktales, sayings, songs, or chants that regards the ways how a society transmits its oral history, oral literature, oral law and other forms of knowledge across generations without any form of writing system like the method of counting among the Banyankole.
· Industrial Heritage involving the monuments from the industrial culture, the buildings and artifacts of industry which are inherited from past generations, maintained in the present and reserved for the benefit of future generations. This includes industries like salt mining, smelting and stone works and other industries that involved the works of art.
The club will have a wide range of activities/ working areas which will include;
Heritage education
The club will make sure that the communities are well versed with the world heritage and the different laws governing the conservation and preservation of heritage
The club will also have different community outreach programs on the education about the importance of the heritage both at the local, regional and national levels.
Organization of the workshops, seminars, and use of the media like radio and television talk shows.
Staging of the plays and traditional songs, recitations using the traditional instruments within the communities

Research and monitoring
This will involve the identification of the heritage sites like cultural sites, caves of spiritual importance and objects like the ones used in dances, ways of lives and during the social gatherings
The club will take the responsibility of educating the communities on the values of the heritage in form of places and objects
Monitoring the changes on the sites and objects in relation to the human activities and increasing population.

Collection and documentation
The club will be collecting and preserving the heritage materials in form of traditional objects and other forms of art and sculpture which are facing extinction due to modern technology
Other information will be collected and preserved as archives like the traditional music, recitations. The information about the heritage material (places and objects) will also be kept and preserved by the club. This will be inform of tape recordings, videos, statistics and other important information like the traditional names of the objects and their importance

Information dissemination
The collected information will be availed to the communities in form of leaflets, newsletter, magazines and brochures
The objects collected will be put on the displays for the community for appreciation in the information or resource centre.

Events organization
As a means to encourage the communities to participate in the restoration and preservation of the national heritage, the club will be organizing different events which will benefit the communities like;
Competitions where the people will compete in different traditional activities and events like games (board games, wrestling, goat fighting etc...), cooking of the traditional foods, dances and drama among others.
Staging the plays and drama and traditional music by the members to the public for the appreciation of their cultures
Organization of the exhibitions and fairs where the people will exhibit their skills in the form of objects which are made like the hand crafts which are made with the natural and traditional materials and indigenous knowledge (IK). These will include foods, drinks, traditional ways of lives, traditional architecture, traditional music instruments, traditional tools, wood carvings, basketry, pottery, art and sculpture among others. The literature will also be exhibited like the books about the local cultures and communities and dictionaries of the local languages. Pictorial exhibition will also involve those of the places of cultural and traditional importance.

Tourism development
This will involve both farm tourism and cultural tourism in the district.
The tours will also be organised for the tourists and other interested persons to the different heritage sites and to the communities
Farm tours will be organized for people to the farms to learn the traditional methods of farming used in the district, preparation of the local or banana beer, as well as gastronomic tourism.
More production will be encouraged to sell to the tourists like souvenirs food products

Skills development
The club will be involved in making the objects with the use of the local materials like traditional weapons (spears and arrows), handcrafts (baskets, pots, wood carvings) among others.
These skills will also be extended to the communities and schools to practice them as the part of their handwork.

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